YAWN4300™ is a ‘communicative machine’ with one purpose: to make people understand that beauty can be found also in boring everyday-life situations.This machine is made up of five CRT TVs and it is programmed to deliver three TV channels when the user interacts with it. Every channel shows a scene that is universally recognized as boring (e.g. train ride, town square with no people). The project comprehended also support materials such as instruction manual, posters, videos, postcards, website, stickers etc that were given out to people at the exhibition What Makes Humans Human in March 2019 in Milan. In 2020 YAWN4300 was picked to be one of the projects displayed on the Fuorisalone 2020 online platform
Martina Andreotti, Alessandro Parca, Elena Iannella, Alicia Invernizzi and Andrea Silvano
Concept, research on technology, implementation of new and old technology solutions, voice acting, ad-hoc software development and implementation, group coordination, keynote presentation structure and storytelling.
Fuorisalone 2019 website ➚
Exhibit website ➚
(ITA) Bachelor's Degree Thesis ◫